
Samsung Galaxy Tab: Emerging Google Android Tablet Standard?

Apple’s iPad still dominates the overall tablet market. But Samsung Galaxy tablets seem to be emerging as the Google Android standard. That’s The VAR Guy’s spin, based on IDC’s latest tablet sales research. Here’s the update … and some perspective for VARs in the mobile market.

During Q2 2012, IDC said:

    Apple iPad shipments surged to 17 million.
    Samsung Galaxy Tab shipments reached 2.4 million units during the quarter — far behind Apple. But… still far ahead of the 1.1 million shipments from last year’s Q2.
    Amazon shipped 1.2 million units in the quarter.
    Note: The Google-branded Nexus 7 isn’t included in the results since that tablet started shipping in Q3.

So, what’s the news hook here for channel partners? The VAR Guy believes Samsung is emerging as the next big potential hardware partner for VARs and mobile integrators.

While Apple and Samsung continue to feud in court, Samsung has a growing portfolio of increasingly popular tablets, smartphones, cloud-oriented computers, Google Chromebooks and Chromeboxes.

Source from:Samsung Galaxy Tab: Emerging Google Android Tablet Standard?

